
Groove Auto-Logging to Custom Objects

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Groove Auto-Logging to Custom Objects


At Groove, we know that each organization has unique needs and requirements that can be highly complex and dynamic. That's why Groove is built to adapt to your organization's sales process, regardless of what customizations you use. Groove's Advanced Activity Capture can now automatically log activity back to a custom object in Salesforce. This feature can be configured by profile to fit each team's different needs.


Automatically logging into custom objects minimizes the manual work required by sellers while ensuring complete visibility of account health and opportunities. Eliminating manual logging gives sellers time back to focus on building relationships and driving deals forward while providing leadership with the visibility needed to understand what is driving their business.


**This feature applies to email activities, calendar events, calls made through Groove OmniDialer, flow actions, and one-off actions**


Please reach out to your dedicated Groove Manager to get this feature enabled.

How it Works:

Auto-logging to custom objects uses Groove Views to determine which objects to log. These Groove Views help find and associate each activity to the correct object, can be configured for a specific profile, and can be ranked with priority.


Note: Groove Views are configured using SOQL (the Salesforce Object query language). Groove Views are also used to show objects and fields in your Omnibar but can be separated from Groove Views for auto-logging.


If you are unfamiliar with SOQL, read this guide on configuring Groove Views. If you have any questions, please get in touch with Support to set up a meeting with one of our integration specialists.


Recommended literature is the official SOQL documentation.


Auto-Logging to custom objects for calls made through Groove Omnidialer:

When you have auto-logging with custom objects turned on and set up, you will notice that calls made through Groove's Omnidialer will begin to auto-populate with the custom object while calls are being logged. You will also find the call activity in Salesforce being logged to the custom object.


Notice in the screenshot below that the custom object is added to the Log To bar.


Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 12.25.34 PM.png


Setting up Auto-Logging to Custom Objects:


  1. Create a Groove View for a custom object to log in to.

  2. Enable that Groove View for custom object logging by checking off 'Related-To Logging,' this will activate the view to be used for logging.

    1. Note: The 'Active' checkbox enables a view for the Groove Omnibar, but having a view in the Omnibar is unnecessary for logging purposes.

  3. Determine and add which profiles this view will apply to (or not apply to). This will apply to all profiles if they are not specified by default.

  4. Choose your Display Order; the higher the number, the higher the priority for this view.

    1. Note: The maximum number of display orders is 999. It is also recommended not to have 2 Views related to the same profile(s) with the same display order.

  5. You can just navigate to Profile Settings in Manage My Org and adjust the relevant profiles 'Related-To Lookup Logic' to Custom Object Logging.


    Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 12.26.27 PM.png

    Once these steps are complete, each seller's activity will automatically log to the custom object associated with that profile.

Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 12.28.34 PM.png




  • Groove provides "Suggested Records" for emails and calendar events to log into from a selection of records.

  • By default, with a custom SOQL query configured, Groove will return the top result only in Suggested Records.

  • However, if your Groove Managed Package version is 9.128 or higher, Groove will return the top 15 results to choose from

    • Recommended: To limit the result set to lower than 15, include a LIMIT within your SOQL query.


Example Scenarios:


Groove View that is used for Omnibar viewing and Auto-Logging:

This view is for the custom object Purchase Order (Purchase_Order__c)

SELECT Name,, Primary_Email__c, Direct_Phone_Number__c, Start_Date__c, Number_of_Units__c, Price__c, Products__c, SKU__c,, 

(SELECT Subject, CreatedBy.NamE, ActivityDatE, StatuS, Description FROM ActivityHistories ORDER BY ActivityDate DESC LIMIT 3) 

FROM Purchase_Order__c 
WHERE = '{!email}' 
ORDER BY LastModifiedDate DESC 


Groove View that is used for Auto-Logging only:

This view is for the custom object Purchase Order (Purchase_Order__c)



FROM Purchase_Order__c 
WHERE = '{!email}' 
ORDER BY LastModifiedDate DESC 


Important Factors to Note about SOQL:

URL Parameter and SOQL Placeholders

To execute the SOQL query in the context of a specific email or calendar event, the SOQL query in the view usually contains placeholders. These placeholders will be replaced with the email address or parts of the sender. These placeholders are:

Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 12.42.05 PM.png


Unsupported SOQL Idioms

Do not use any SOQL alias notation, as Groove does not support this. Here are examples that are not supported and may lead to unexpected results:


SELECT c.Firstname, c.Lastname FROM Contact c WHERE Lastname = 'Smith' SELECT Firstname, Lastname FROM Contact c WHERE c.Lastname = 'Smith' SELECT Firstname, Lastname FROM Contact c, c.Account a WHERE = 'MyriadPubs'


Also, I'd like to point out that Groove does not support aggregate functions and keywords. If a SOQL query in a Groove View contains such aggregate functions (SUM, AVG, etc.) or keywords (GROUP BY), you won't be able to save it.

TitleGroove Auto-Logging to Custom Objects
URL NameAuto-Logging-to-Custom-Objects

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