
Groove Best Practices for Revenue and Sales Ops

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Groove Best Practices for Revenue and Sales Ops

Revenue and Sales Operations professionals are one of the most important roles on a revenue team, serving as the quarterback for different teams and divisions. In this article, we will show you how to leverage Groove to build a powerhouse revenue operations function, streamlining operations and driving revenue to the next level through advanced automation.


Learn best practices, tips and tricks that Groove has gleaned from over four years of working with 50,000+ users.


Key Takeaways:

  1. Save Time Spent on Administrative Tasks

  2. Customize Based on Role, Team, or Division

  3. Use Advanced Automation Tools


Save Time Spent on Administrative Tasks

When dealing with administrative tasks, it's important to be as efficient as possible. Automatically leverage the work you’ve already done in Salesforce to create and configure users in Groove.


It is critical that users have access to the right information and the right functionality within Groove. Each user has a different set of permissions they need and may require a different combination of Groove licenses.

  • By using a Salesforce Process Builder, you can use any criteria on the user that already exists in Salesforce to automatically assign the appropriate licenses for that user.

  • Not all users may need the same sync functionality, by using Domain Wide Enablement you are able to control which of your users calendar or email sync shall be activated


Add Users to Teams and automatically assign them to existing profiles in Salesforce

Another manual process which can have a significant impact on administrative time, is assigning users to the appropriate teams, especially as teams can change rapidly with new hires, transitions, and promotions. You can assign users to a specific Groove team, based on their Salesforce profile or Salesforce role. All you have to do is populate the field "Default Groove Team" on the user object in Salesforce with the name of a Groove team you want the user to belong to.


Training for users after the initial onboarding with best practices

Another challenge you may face with onboarding new users, is getting them started on the right foot. By using Master Flows and Global Automated Actions, you can have every user hit the ground running and has access to something right out of the gate.

  • A new user can open up Groove and have a Master Flow ready to go at their fingertips, all they need to do is import in their prospects or contacts.


  • Global Automated Actions are setup across all flows, so every user that starts using a flow has an automated process that can help them.

Customize Based on Role, Team, Etc.

Configure different Groove Omnibar Views, Calendar fields, Scheduler Meeting Types and more so users only see what’s important for their specific role, team or division. Depending on the structure of your organization, each team might have different processes or might care about different custom objects and fields within Salesforce.


With Groove one of the major focus areas is leveraging what you already have setup in Salesforce, and taking that a step further by allowing you to very granularly configure the Salesforce and Groove integration, starting with your Salesforce user profiles.

  • Start with custom settings within Groove to configure the platform for each of your customer facing teams. This will allow each team to utilize Groove in their own unique way.

  • This is where you can decide how user activities are being synced over to Salesforce, which custom objects users can log to, and which records they can create from their inbox.

  • This is also where you can determine which information is surfaced for each team's calendar events, depending on what is relevant for them

Use Groove Views to create records in Salesforce

By utilizing Groove Views within the Omnibar, you can control what objects or records users are able to create in their inbox. By having this control, we covered you can enable each individual team to focus on what's most important to them, and keep the noise out of their work.


Use Advanced Automation Tools

By setting up automation, you can drastically speed up workflows for your team and keep your data clean. Auto-log Dialer conversation outcomes, automate off of Account Inferred Status and enable personalization at scale to dramatically accelerate team productivity and effectiveness.


A full sales cycle typically starts with identifying where in the 'Life Cycle' the deal is. Leads and Opportunities in Salesforce have a 'status' field that reflects where they are in their life-cycle, the account object has no such field directly from Salesforce.

  • Groove can automatically detect the account status by analyzing opportunities, as well as open activities and the activity history.

  • You can create your own formula field in order to customize the logic behind the account status.

Use Instantaneous Auto Import to speed up your Sales Cycle

One of the best practices in keeping up with your sales cycle is to make sure that all your leads are followed up with. Use Salesforce reports to setup an automated assignment of leads and import to the correct users' flows.


Get Reporting Power from Groove Insights

Groove Insights is an advanced reporting suite for Salesforce that can be installed with a single click. The suite includes a selection of pre-configured reports, layouts, and features that help you manage your team performance and make better business decisions using real-time activity and engagement data from Groove.


Groove Insights is a compilation of key Salesforce reports, dashboards, and fields that help capture and display engagement data as well as provide you with critical insights into your revenue operations that aren’t limited to Groove activity and engagement data. Because Groove is Salesforce native, we will leverage your specific instance configuration to deliver a reporting experience that’s unique to your business.

TitleGroove Best Practices for Revenue and Sales Ops
URL NameBest-Practices-for-Revenue-and-Sales-Ops

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