
Configuring Email and Calendar Sync in Groove

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Configuring Email and Calendar Sync in Groove

With Groove's server side (background) email and calendar sync, you can ensure that all of your reps activity is being logged back to Salesforce, no matter where they're sending emails or creating events from. That means reps can send and receive emails from their cell phone and still have everything automatically logged back to Salesforce.


We highly recommend you enable our background email and calendar sync and in this guide we'll walk through configuring it.


Note: All of the following settings can be configured by Salesforce/Groove admins on this page.


How sync works

When Groove syncs emails/calendar events from Google to Salesforce it tries to find related Leads, Contacts and Users in Salesforce by looking at the recipient's or invitee's email address(s).


Controlling how records (emails/events) are synced back to Salesforce (SFDC)

By default, Groove will sync emails and events to the relevant Lead/Contact using the recipient email address. 


Groove can also sync emails/events to Opportunities and Cases and you can customize how it syncs according to your business process by choosing any of the following options:


  • Find the related Opportunity among all my open Opportunities

  • Find the related Opportunity among all my open Opportunities (Restricted*)

  • Find the related Opportunity among all my opportunities

  • Find the related Opportunity among all my opportunities (Restricted*)

  • Find the related Opportunity among all open Opportunities

  • Find the related Opportunity among all open Opportunities (Restricted*)

  • Find the related Opportunity among all Opportunities

  • Find the related Opportunity among all Opportunities (Restricted*)

  • Find the related Case among my open Cases

  • Find the related Case among my Cases

  • Find the related Case among all open Cases

  • Find the related Case among all Cases


Restricted means that Groove will only find opportunities directly associated with a contact via an opportunity contact role. Otherwise, Groove will only extend the search by looking at opportunities that exist under the contact's account.



Ensuring internal emails don't get synced

This option Email Domain Blocklist allows you to specify a list of email domains that are "blocklisted". This means:

  1. When Groove logs or syncs emails from Google to Salesforce and tries to find related Salesforce records based on the recipient's or the sender's emails address, Groove will first remove all email addresses that belong to any of the blocklisted domains. This means, no emails will be logged under contacts or leads that are "blocklisted".

  2. When Groove logs or syncs events from Google to Salesforce and tries to find related Salesforce records based on the invitees' emails addresses, Groove will first remove all email addresses that belong to any of the blocklisted domains. This means, logged and synced events will not be related to any contacts or leads that are "blocklisted" as of their email address.

  3. If the option Blocklist Applies to Email Open Tracking is activated and all of the recipients of an outbound email are blocklisted, email open tracking is deactivated for the outbound email. Therefore email opens will not be monitored by Groove for this particular email.

You must comma separate the list of domains in this field.



Best Match Email Logging

The option Best Match Email Logging controls whether Groove logs the email (if activated) only under the Contacts + Opportunity/Case pair with the highest score or (if deactivated) under every found Contacts + Opportunity/Case pair.


Activating this option will lead to less Email (Task) records being created in Salesforce and possibly more accurate activity reporting. Deactivating this option will lead to a more comprehensive activity history under all possible records but more Email (Task) records will be created.


Note: If shared activities are not activated in your Salesforce org, this option is disregarded and Groove will log and sync emails under every found Contacts + Opportunity/Case pair. This is why we recommend activating shared activities.



Log Bounced Emails to Salesforce

It’s very frustrating when reps get those pesky “Message delivery failed” prompts letting them know they sent an email to a bad email address. Now you and your team can keep track of which emails bounced back by having them logged to Salesforce in real time! 


This is an optional setting. If you’d like us to enable “Log Bounced Emails,” please contact your CSM!


Choosing which events are synced

If you only want events that are related to a Salesforce contact/record, then you'll want to enable Only sync CRM related events. With this enabled, only events with an invitee that is a contact/lead in SFDC will be synced.


Add only Groove Users as Invitees

When Groove logs or syncs a calendar event from Google to Salesforce it analyzes the list of invitees in order to find which Leads, Contacts and Users should be added to the event in Salesforce.


This option controls what happens if one of the found Users doesn't have a Groove license assigned to. If this option is activated, all users that don't have a Groove license assigned to won't be added to the list of invitees on the Salesforce event record. Otherwise, all found users will be added.



Mirroring events created in SFDC to GCAL

In order to have all events created in SFDC synced back to Google Calendar, you can follow the process below, which includes one setting from Groove, and one from Salesforce:

From Groove


  1. From 'Manage My Organization' click on 'Profile Settings'

  2. Scroll down to the 'Background Calendar Sync' section, and enable 'Always Mirror Events in Google Calendar' then save.


From Salesforce


  1. From Setup click Security Controls | Remote Site Settings in the left menu

  2. Click the button New Remote Site

  3. In the page Remote Site Edit populate the fields as follows:

  • Remote Site Name: app_grooveapp_com

  • Remote Site URL: 

  • Disable Protocol Security: unchecked

  • Description: Groove webservices

  • Active: checked

  • Click Save


If you'd like your users to have the option to only sync certain events back to Google Calendar, you can leave 'Always Mirror Events in Google Calendar' disabled in Groove, and add the field  Mirror in Owner's Calendar  to the event page layout in Salesforce.



Support for multiple emails on Leads/contacts

By default, only the standard email field on the Lead, Contact and User object are considered when Groove syncs an email/event to SFDC. 


In order to consider support for more than one email, Groove added  a field "Email 2" to the contact and to the lead object (API names are Lead.DaScoopComposer__Email_2__c  and Contact.DaScoopComposer__Email_2__c ).


The option Alternative Email Matching controls whether you want Groove to consider the field Email 2 when trying to find related Leads or Contacts. The lookup logic is using the OR operator (email address is found in the standard Email field OR the Email 2 field).


If you have already added an alternative email field and wish this field to be considered by Groove, you should set up a workflow/field update that populates Groove's Email 2 field with the value of your alternative email field. For all existing records, you should also retroactively copy the value of your alternative email field to Groove's Email 2 field. Salesforce has various different methods for mass updating records, and you can find the details of those here.

Note: Activating Alternative Email Matching will have performance implications if you have more than 300,000 lead or contact records.


We do not recommend to activate Alternative Email Matching if you have more than 500,000 lead or contact records in your org.



Best Match Email Logging

The option Best Match Email Logging controls whether Groove logs the email (if activated) only under the Contacts + Opportunity/Case pair with the highest score or (if deactivated) under every found Contacts + Opportunity/Case pair.


Activating this option will lead to less Email (Task) records being created in Salesforce and possibly more accurate activity reporting. Deactivating this option will lead to a more comprehensive activity history under all possible records but more Email (Task) records will be created.


Note: If shared activities are not activated in your Salesforce org, this option is disregarded and Groove will log and sync emails under every found Contacts + Opportunity/Case pair. This is why we recommend activating shared activities.



Unresolved Items

When Groove logs or syncs emails, it tries to find related Leads and Contacts by matching the email address of the sender or the recipients with Salesforce records.


The option Create Unresolved Items allows you to control what happens if no related record was found. Groove will either (if deactivated) disregard the email or (if activated) create an unresolved item.


Note: that Groove will create a different type of "unresolved item" than what Salesforce calls Unresolved Item. Groove will still create an actual Task record but the fields "Name" and "Related to" will be blank on that record - thus the Task record is not added to any activity history. Users can view all their "Groove Unresolved Items" in a dedicated Visualforce page.



Support for email aliases

Note: This is only relevant if a users email address they are sending/receiving emails from is different then their email address in SFDC.


When Groove's background sync tries to log an email/event into Salesforce, the user the activity is 'Assigned To' get's determined by the following logic:

  1. First, Groove scans all senders/recipients on the email and tries to find a matching user in Salesforce with that email address. If a matching user is found as the sender/recipient, the email will be assigned to them.

  2. If Groove cannot find a user in Salesforce with a matching email address in step 1, it will then assign the activity to whoever's Groove account is logging the email.

If a users email address in SFDC does not match the email address they are sending/receiving emails from, we recommend you configure the following fields on their user record in SFDC (note, these fields were added by the Groove managed package and may need to be added to the page layout):

  • Email Alias 1 (DaScoopComposer__Email_Alias_1__c)

  • Email Alias 2 (DaScoopComposer__Email_Alias_2__c)

Once these fields are configured, Groove will also take them into consideration when determining who to assign the activity to.



Activity Type and Subtype

Activity type- Emails are logged with the type of 'Email', and calendar events are logged as whatever the default value for Event type (Setup | Customize | Activities | Event Fields) is in SFDC



Task subtype- 'Email'

Event subtype - 'Event'



Calendar Sync Limitations

1. Google events that last longer than 14 days cannot be synced to Salesforce. This is a Salesforce limitation of the event object.


2. After a Google event was synced to Salesforce, any updates on the Salesforce event within the next 30 seconds are not synced back from Google to Salesforce.


3. If a Google event is created where the time zone of the start-time and end-time are not equal (rare), the event in Salesforce will have set the start-date and and end-date in the same timezone.


4. Note that recurring events in Salesforce have several limitations that affect how Groove is able to sync recurring events: 


  • A recurring event that lasts longer than 1 day will be converted to a 1 day event when synced from Google to Salesforce.

  • In Salesforce the number of instances of a recurring series is limited (Daily: 100; Weekly: 53; Monthly: 60; Yearly: 10). 

  • When an event is synced from Google to Salesforce and the end date of the recurring series is beyond that limit, Groove will set the end date of the recurring series respectively in Salesforce. 

  • Only the calendar owner of the event in GCal can sync the recurring event back to SFDC. This is because SFDC requires that all child events be know at the time of logging and GCal only surfaces this information to the owner of recurring events.



Now all of your users data will be synced to Salesforce correctly!


TitleConfiguring Email and Calendar Sync in Groove
URL NameConfiguring-Email-and-Calendar-Sync

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