
Groove Flow Safety Setting

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Groove Flow Safety Setting

Often reps will be engaging multiple contacts from the same account in order to get in touch with someone. When one of those contacts are currently active in a Flow, you may want to prevent other reps from adding that contact to another flow to avoid multiple emails coming from different reps within your organization. Enabling the flow safety setting will prevent contacts from being added to multiple flow so reps can safely engage with contacts.


The Flow Safety setting can be found in MMO under Flow Settings. The status of the setting is indicated on the card and you can click into the card to adjust the setting.


Enabling the Safety Setting

Clicking into the setting, you can enable the setting for your entire organization and specify users to exclude from the safety setting.


Safety Setting in Flow Import


By enabling the safety setting, contacts/leads that are currently active in a flow will be marked with a red triangle icon



Users will not be able to select contacts/leads that are currently active in a flow. The setting will prevent users from adding people to flows that are currently active in flows from Flows Import, Flows Auto Import, Omnibar, People Page, Account Page, Spaces Page, and within Salesforce via our Extension.

TitleGroove Flow Safety Setting
URL NameFlow-Safety-Setting

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