
Groove Omnibar Overview

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Groove Omnibar Overview

Groove’s Omnibar is your window into Salesforce. With the Omnibar, you can view, update, take notes on, and even create Salesforce records directly from your inbox. 


Edit and Create Salesforce Records

By hovering over an email address or opening a message from your inbox, Groove’s Omnibar will automatically populate with the selected prospect’s Salesforce info.


To create a new record, select the blue “+” icon at the top of the Omnibar and the corresponding object you would like to add. You can then fill in any missing field values and hit “Save” to add this record to Salesforce:



If you’d like to search for a record directly, you can select the magnifying glass from the navigation bar in the top left of the Groove Omnibar.


Once the record appears, you can then make any changes to the record by clicking directly next to the field name to insert or update a value:



Tips and Tricks:

The fields shown in this view are all customizable and should show what’s relevant to your team, so if you’re not seeing something you’d like to, reach out to your admins!

For Dependent Picklists, you will see that once you update a "parent" picklist, all the dependent picklists are highlighted so that you know which additional fields to update.

If you run into an error or validation rule, Omnibar pushes you into "Edit Mode" which allows you to update multiple fields at once before saving. You can also enter Edit Mode by clicking the pencil icon at the top right.


View Related Records

With the ability to view related records in Omnibar, you can switch between related contacts and opportunities at the same account readily. This time-saver will help give you a list of all relevant opportunities without having to manually search for them in Salesforce directly from your inbox!



Activity History

It can be a tedious and time-consuming task to sift through all of your contacts or accounts activities in Salesforce. Whether you're looking for call logs, details in an email thread, or meeting notes, it's crucial to have a quick and efficient method for exploring the entire conversation with your prospects and customers.


Here are the key functionalities of Omnibar's Activity History window:


One-Click to open an activity to view the content directly from the Omnibar interface. Normally in Salesforce, clicking on an activity opens another tab or window. You can avoid the hassle of a crowded computer screen, by using this functionality.

Sort by Type of activities to quickly view all past emails, calls, meetings, etc. with that record. Let's stop searching around in Salesforce to track down those activity types.

Search the activity history by using keywords to quickly reveal important conversations on the topic you are dealing with at hand. Search for keywords like pricing or budget, to see if you or any of your colleagues brought the subject up in a previous message.



Auto-Save Notes

Are your notes on prospects and companies in a few different places (and some probably never make it into Salesforce)? Do you ever need to jot something down during a cold call? Use the Omnibar notes feature to quickly write information wherever you’re working.


Notes can be stored in Salesforce in two ways:


  • Salesforce Field - Using a field called Groove Notes on the Contact, Lead, Opportunity, and Account. These notes are public and can be used to collaborate cross-functionally across your teams using Groove. This is our default option for new orgs.

  • Salesforce Lightning Notes (Private Notes) - Using the Salesforce native Lightning Notes related list on the Contact, Lead, Opportunity, and Account objects. These notes are private by default and will not be shared with other people on your team unless granted.



Enabling Private Notes


Required Managed Package version: 9.115


  1. To enable Private Notes, navigate to ‘Manage My Org’ (MMO) in Salesforce, then go to ‘Profile Settings’.

  2. Select the “Individual Omnibar Notes” checkbox in order to enable the Private Notes feature.


Note: The method of storage is determined by your Groove Admin. Please contact your Groove Admin to make an adjustment to these settings.


Taking Notes in the Omnibar:




Pro tip: Make sure that you see the loading symbol surface underneath the text box and complete saving when inserting notes to guarantee that your notes sync back to Salesforce.



Add to Flow (Contacts & Leads)

When working with some high-touch customers, you'll find it useful to add them to a Groove flow to help organize your prospecting. With Omnibar, you can readily add any lead or contact to one of your flows without having to leave your inbox!



Add to Spaces (Accounts & Opportunities)


Groove Spaces are a place where you can create custom account/opportunity lists, collaborate with teammates, add custom Salesforce data, and more so that you and your teammates can work together on making progress in accounts or deals. Use Omnibar to manage each account/opportunity's involvement in spaces so that you can manage them from wherever you are working:





Create and Execute Actions

OmniActions provides reps with the flexibility to manage or execute any activity outside of their regular Flows and have that activity log automatically back to Salesforce in real-time. Because OmniActions is fully integrated into the Groove Omnibar, reps can conduct these actions from wherever they are working - Google Workspace, Microsoft Outlook, Salesforce, or the Groove app. This combination gives sellers a 360-degree view of their prospects’ and customers’ lifecycle from details and activity to actions - all in their workflow.


This feature enables revenue organizations to associate all activities with open opportunities, whether they are part of a single action or multi-step Flow. By accurately associating all types of activities, revenue teams can take advantage of more accurate reporting and insights into the sales process. This enables reps to work seamlessly inside and outside of Flows as they work deals, and OmniActions creates a foundation for the next level of workflow automation, enabling the implementation and execution of sales strategies within an enterprise sales organization.


OmniDialer in Omnibar

For our OmniDialer customers, the OmniDialer is just as easily accessible from your email by clicking the dialer icon next to a phone number or telephone icon in your navigation bar to call a prospect.



LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Groove’s Omnibar directly integrates with your LinkedIn Sales Navigator profile so that you have comprehensive intel readily available to you from your inbox while you're reaching out to clients. With our LinkedIn integration, you can view common connections to help get introduced or find related leads to help with prospecting efforts!



Where can you use Omnibar?

Users can access the Omnibar directly in their inbox, calendar, Salesforce account, and the actions and flows pages in the Groove web app. For more information about to access the Omnibar in each of these locations, check out the related articles below!

  1. Omnibar in Gmail

  2. Omnibar in Outlook

  3. Omnibar in Salesforce

  4. Omnibar in Actions/Flows


TitleGroove Omnibar Overview
URL NameGroove-Omnibar-Overview

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