
How Do I Configure Unresolved Items in Groove?

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How Do I Configure Unresolved Items in Groove?


Configuring Unresolved Items

The following relates to emails that are logged via Groove - either via an email client or via Groove Email Sync.


Groove's heuristic and self-learning algorithms are designed to log emails with the best possible accuracy and the minimal effort for the user. However, in some cases Groove can't make a "guess" to which Salesforce records a logged email is related to. The system administrator can configure a policy what is supposed to happen in such cases.


  • If the Groove custom setting "Create Unresolved Items" is disabled, Groove will discard the message. A user will be prompted with the message "Email was not logged - No related record found."

  • If the Groove custom setting "Create Unresolved Items" is enabled, Groove will create a Task record (Type=Email) without populating the fields "Related to" and "Name". A user will be prompted with the message "Email was logged - An unresolved item was created".

In order to change this setting, follow these steps:


  1. Go to Setup | Develop | Custom Settings

  2. Click on Manage next to Groove Settings

  3. On an org level/profile level/user change the checkbox Create Unresolved Items

  4. Hit Save

Note that the term Unresolved Item must not be confused with Salesforce's native unresolved items. These are not related. For the sake of privacy and storage efficiency, it is recommended to decide on a profile or even on a user level which users should have unresolved items created.


Handling Unresolved Items

By opening the page "Unresolved Items", users can decide what to do with emails that are not related to any Salesforce record. The page is accessible via the Groove context menu in their mail client.




Users can also decide whether they want to "blocklist" certain email addresses in order to prevent similar emails to become unresolved items in the future (e.g. for privacy reasons). If an email address is in the user's personal blocklist, the email will be discarded regardless of the custom setting "Create Unresolved Items", described above. Note that if an email has more than one recipients and at least one recipient's email address is in the user's personal blocklist, the email will be discarded as a whole - i.e. no tasks records will be created, not even for recipients that are not blocklisted.

TitleHow Do I Configure Unresolved Items in Groove?
URL NameHow-Do-I-Configure-Unresolved-Items

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