
Groove Profile Settings

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Groove Profile Settings


Groove offers many custom options to accommodate all your specific business requirements. You must be a Salesforce admin to modify these settings. There are two ways to update your Groove custom settings: 1. the Groove Manage My Org section and 2. SFDC Custom Settings section. 


Note: Most of these settings live in the Manage My Org section, but some advanced settings can only be modified directly in the SFDC Custom Settings. Many of these advanced settings are enabled by default or only apply to specific customers' processes, which is why they're not included on the Manage My Org page. An asterisk ( * ) indicates the settings you can only modify in SFDC.


Manage Settings Via Groove (recommended)

Organization-Wide Default


You can manage Settings for the whole organization by clicking the Organization-Wide Default page. Any settings applied here will be set for anyone in your Groove Organization. You can find this in your Manage My Org page and scroll down to Profile Settings.


Profile Specific Settings


You can even manage Settings on a per Salesforce Profile Settings basis. To add a new Profile, click "Create New Profile". Click on any of the Profiles to configure those settings!


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Manage Settings via Salesforce


You can also update your custom settings directly from Salesforce by doing the following: 

  1. Go to Setup | Custom Code | Custom Settings (Lightning) OR Setup | Develop | Custom Settings (Classic)

  2.  Click Manage next to 'Groove Settings'.

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Profile/UUser-SpecificCustom Settings


Note that it is possible to define a collection of custom settings for:

  1. All users in your org

  2. A specific profile in your org

  3. A specific user in your org

By default, Groove has a collection of custom settings for your org. To create a collection of custom settings for a profile or a user, follow these steps:

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the Groove Settings page

  2. Click the New button

  3. In the Groove Settings Edit page, populate the field Location with the name of the respective profile or user.

  4. Note: Groove will only display these field types: Text, Text Area, Picklist, and Checkbox.


    Additional Fields for Email Logging


    Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


    When users log an email in Gmail using Groove's Search & Select button, it is possible to populate additional fields from the Task object.


    This text field allows you to specify which fields from the Task object are displayed. Put a comma-separated list of API names of fields on the Task object.


    Note: Groove will only display these field types: Text, Text Area, Picklist, and Checkbox.


    Add only Groove Users as Invitees*


    Applies to: Groove Realtime Calendar Sync; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


    When Groove logs or syncs a calendar event from Google to Salesforce, it analyzes the list of invitees to find which Leads, Contacts, and Users should be added to the event in Salesforce.


    This option controls what happens if one of the found users doesn't have a Groove license assigned to them.


    • If checked, only users with a Salesforce account and a Groove license assigned to them will be added to the attendees list on the event record in Salesforce. This is useful if you're meeting with an external party, such as a lawyer, irrelevant to your sales cycle.

    • If unchecked, all Salesforce users will be added to the attendees list on the event record in Salesforce regardless of whether they have a Groove license assigned to them or not.


    Allow Background Calendar Sync


    Applies to: Groove Realtime Calendar Sync; API Mode;


    This option controls whether users can authorize and activate Groove to automatically sync Salesforce and Google events in the background.


    Even if this option is activated, additional steps are required before calendar events are synced automatically in the background. These are:


    1. Groove users must go through the OAuth signup process and activate calendar sync in their standard Groove settings OR

    2. Groove admins must activate Domain Wide Enablement in their Groove Manage My Org page

      Populate the fields as desired and hit Save.


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      Additional Fields for Calendar Events

      Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


      When "Enable Calendar Logging" is activated, Groove can display Salesforce fields on the Google Calendar UI details page. That way, users can add and update additional information on a calendar event.


      This text field allows you to specify which fields are displayed. Put a comma-separated list of API names of fields on the Event object.


    Allow Background Email Sync


    Applies to: Groove Email Sync; API Mode;


    This option controls whether users can authorize and activate Groove to sync emails from Google to Salesforce in the background.


    Even if this option is activated, additional steps are required before calendar events are synced automatically. These are:

    1. Groove users must go through the OAuth signup process and activate email sync OR

    2. Groove admins must activate Domain Wide Enablement


    Allow Inline Create*


    Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


    This option controls whether users can create Salesforce records from within Gmail (rather than just via a link to Salesforce). If this option is deactivated, users might still see the Create Records button in the Groove sidebar depending on if any of the following options have been individually activated: Enable Easy Create Case, Enable Easy Create Contact, Enable Easy Create Lead, or Enable Easy Create Opportunity. However, in this case, the create experience will not surface in Omnibar. Instead, it will open the Salesforce create record page in a new window.



    Allow Inline Editing*


    Note: This option has been deprecated

    Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


    This option controls whether users can update Salesforce records from within Gmail. If this option is deactivated, all fields in the Groove Omnibar are read-only.


    Alternative Email Matching


    Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Groove Realtime Calendar Sync; Groove Email Sync; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


    When Groove logs or syncs emails and calendar events from Google to Salesforce, it tries to find related Leads, Contacts, and Users in Salesforce by looking at the recipient's or invitee's email address. Only the standard email fields on the Lead, Contact, and User objects are considered by default. Groove added a field "Email 2" to the contact and to the lead object (API names are Lead.DaScoopComposer__Email_2__c and Contact.DaScoopComposer__Email_2__c).


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    This option controls whether you want Groove to consider the field Email 2 when trying to find related Leads or Contacts. The lookup logic uses the OR operator (email address is in the standard Email field OR the Email 2 field).


    If you have already added an alternative email field and wish this field to be considered by Groove, you should set up a workflow/field update that populates Groove's Email 2 field with the value of your alternative email field. For all existing records, you should also retroactively copy the value of your alternative email field to Groove's Email 2 field.


    Always Mirror Events in Google Calendar


    Applies to: Groove Realtime Calendar Sync (Salesforce to Google only); API Mode;


    This option controls whether Salesforce events are always synced from Salesforce to Google or whether users must explicitly check the checkbox "Mirror in Owner's Calendar." If you deactivate this setting, you should add the checkbox "Mirror in Owner's Calendar" to the Event page layouts so that users have the option to enable this setting on a per-event basis manually.


    Best Match Email Logging


    Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Groove Email Sync; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


    When Groove auto-logs or syncs emails from Google to Salesforce, it tries to find related Salesforce records - such as Leads, Contacts, Opportunities, and Cases. It will then form pairs of Contacts + Opportunity/Case and calculate a relevance score for each pair.


    This option controls whether Groove logs the email (if activated) only under the Contacts + Opportunity/Case pair with the highest score or (deactivated) under every found Contacts + Opportunity/Case pair.


    Activating this option will create fewer (Task) records in Salesforce and possibly more accurate activity reporting. Deactivating this option will lead to a more comprehensive activity history under all possible records, but more Email (Task) records will be created.


    Note: If shared activities are not activated in your Salesforce org, this option is disregarded, and Groove will log and sync emails under every found Contacts + Opportunity/Case pair. This is why we recommend activating shared activities.



    Blocklist Applies to Email Open Tracking


    Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


    When you have the option Email Open Tracking activated, users can choose to track email opens for outbound emails. Sometimes, it might not be desirable or against your company policy that users track email opens for emails sent to particular recipients (e.g., emails to coworkers).


    This option allows you to control whether emails sent to blocklisted email addresses are tracked. In other words, this option allows the system admin to override the user's choice to track email opens for all emails belonging to the blocklisted domains. For example, this is useful if you don't want email open tracking to be possible for internal emails. In that case, you would add your company's domain to the field Domain Blocklist and activate this option.


    Note: if an email has multiple recipient email addresses and one or more are blocked, but at least one email address isn't blocked, the user can still activate email open tracking. This option is effective only if all email addresses are blocked.


    Block Teammate Email Opens


    Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


    When you have the option Email Open Tracking activated, users can choose to track email opens for outbound emails. Sometimes, an email is sent to a customer and a coworker. In that case, it is probably desirable to disregard the email opened by the coworker and only consider the email by the customer.


    This option allows you to control whether emails opened by coworkers are disregarded. Coworkers must have the Chrome extension Groove for Gmail installed so Groove can suppress these email open events.


    Create Individual Omnibar Notes*


    Note: Requires MP version 9.115 or greater


    Enable this setting to record a Lightning Note record for each user writing notes in the Groove Omnibar. This will change the default groove notes settings, which store groove notes in a field on the Contact, Lead, Opportunity, and Account objects and instead create a related note record. These notes will be private by default.


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    With this setting enabled:

    • Notes are stored as a Note record and show up as a Related Note tied to the contact, lead, account, or opp

    • Each user has their note tied to each record and can only view their note (admins can see all notes)


    Create Unresolved Items


    Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Groove Realtime Calendar Sync; Groove Email Sync; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


    When Groove logs or syncs emails, it tries to find related Leads and Contacts by matching the email address of the sender or the recipients with Salesforce records.


    This option lets you control what happens if no related record is found. Groove will either disregard the email (if deactivated) or create an unresolved item (if activated).


    Note that Groove will create a different "unresolved item" type than what Salesforce calls Unresolved Item. Groove will still create an actual Task record, but the fields "Name" and "Related to" will be blank on that record - thus, the Task record is not added to any activity history. Users can view all their "Groove Unresolved Items" on a dedicated Visualforce page.


    Custom Email Open Tracking URL*


    Applies to: Isolated Mode


    When a user activates email open tracking, Groove inserts the URL of a tracking pixel into the outbound email. If you are running Groove in isolated mode, this field contains the base URL of the tracking pixel.


    Domain Blocklist


    Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Groove Realtime Calendar Sync; Groove Email Sync; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


    This option allows you to specify a list of email domains that are "blocklisted"." When Groove logs or syncs emails from Google to Salesforce and tries to find related Salesforce records based on the recipient's or the sender's email address, Groove will remove all email addresses belonging to any of the blocklisted domains. This means:

    1. No emails will be logged under contacts or "blocklisted" leads.

    2. Logged and synced events will not be related to any contacts or leads blocked" as of their email address.

    3. Suppose the option "Blocklist Applies to Email Open Tracking" is activated, and all of the recipients of an outbound email are blocklisted. In that case, email open tracking is deactivated for the outbound email. Therefore, Groove will not monitor this particular email.

    Note: You must use commas to separate the list of domains in this field.



    Don't track RSVP Status*


    When Groove syncs an event from Google to Salesforce, it tries to find matching leads/contacts in the list of invitees. A 'parent' event is logged to the calendar in Salesforce, and a 'child' event is created for each invitee on the list, which is then attached to their respective records in Salesforce. This is called a 'Multi-Person Calendar Event'


    Creating a "Multi-Person Calendar Event" is the equivalent of clicking "Add to Invitees" when you select contacts/leads in the Salesforce UI.


    This option allows you to control whether or not you want Groove to create a "Multi-Person Calendar Event" and track the RSVP status of invitees. 


    Custom Groove Login URL*


    Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


    When users install the Groove Chrome extension and log in for the first time, Groove will automatically detect the URL of your Salesforce org and infer the Groove login URL. The Groove login URL is sometimes particular - e.g. if a Single-Sign-On system is used.


    This option allows you to configure the custom login URL to automatically propagate to the Chrome extension every time the user opens the Salesforce homepage URL. Even if you don't have a custom login URL, setting this up dramatically reduces the effort for troubleshooting login issues.


    Note: this option only works if you add the Groove Homepage Component to your Salesforce homepage.


    Email to Username Suffix*


    Applies to: Groove Single-Sign-On


    If you want tour users to log in to Salesforce using their Google credentials, you can activate Groove Single-Sign-On ("Login via Google"). Users can then log in to Salesforce using their Google credentials. Groove tries to find a Salesforce user by comparing the Google email address with the Salesforce username. If the Salesforce username of all your users matches their Google email address, leave this field blank. Otherwise, you have to normalize all your Salesforce usernames to a pattern like <google-email-address>.<org-suffix>. For example, In this example, put ".prod-org" in this text field.


    Enable Advanced Email Open Tracking*


    Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Groove Realtime Calendar Sync; Groove Email Sync; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


    When the option "Enable Email Open Tracking" is activated, users can track email opens for outbound emails. If the recipient opens the email, the user will receive a realtime notification with information about the recipient's location and email software.


    This option allows you to control whether data about the recipient's Location and email software become visible to the user. Deactivate this option if tracking such data violates our privacy policy.



    Enable Calendar Logging


    Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


    This option lets you control whether Groove inserts extra controls into the Google Calendar user interface. These controls allow users to decide whether an event is logged in Salesforce, relate the event to specific Salesforce records, and populate additional fields on the Event object.


    Enable Easy Create Case


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    Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


    This option controls whether users can create Case records from the Groove sidebar.​



    Enable Easy Create Contact


    Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


    This option controls whether users can create Contact records from the Groove sidebar.​



    Enable Easy Create Lead


    Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


    This option controls whether users can create Lead records from the Groove sidebar.​



    Enable Easy Create Opportunity


    Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


    This option controls whether users can create Opportunity records from the Groove sidebar.​



    Enable Email Bonus Features*


    Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


    This option controls whether users can use several sales productivity features in Groove for Gmail. These are:


    1. Meeting Scheduler

    2. Scheduled Email Send

    3. Follow Up Email Reminders


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      Enable Email Open Tracking


      Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


      This option allows you to control whether users can use the tGroove'semail open tracking feature  Activated users can get realtime notifications and view statistics about their outbound emails.


      If you run Groove in isolated mode, follow the setup process before enabling this feature. Contact Groove support if you want to run Groove in isolated mode.


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      Enable Groove History*


      Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


      Groove History allows you to take new notes easily or review the activity history of any record from Gmail.


      This option allows you to control whether users can use Groove History.



      Enable LinkedIn Sales Navigator*


      The Groove sidebar gives users contextual data from Salesforce, Groove Flow, and potentially LinkedIn Sales Navigator.


      This option controls whether you want users to see the LinkedIn tab in the Groove sidebar by default. Users can still hide/show the LinkedIn tab. Users will need a LinkedIn Sales Navigator license for this tab to be helpful.



      Enable Search Salesforce from Gmail*


      Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


      This option lets you control whether users see suggested contact or lead records when they start typing in the recipient field in the Gmail compose window.


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      Exact Match Ownership*


      When a Groove user logs or syncs inbound and outbound emails from Google to Salesforce, it tries to find the standard email address.


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      As well as the email addresses in the 'Email Alias 1' OR 'Email Alias 2' fields associated with the Groove User's Profile in Salesforce.


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      Important: If a user's email alias is not configured in Salesforce, any email sent/received from it will not be logged when the 'Exact Match Ownership' setting is enabled.


      If the setting is disabled, Groove will associate the email to the account from which the email is picked up in the sync.


      Ignored Attachment Types*


      Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Groove Email Sync; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


      When Groove logs an attachment, you can ignore certain file types. This helps reduce clutter and can help you filter out images from people's signatures (png, jpeg, jpg).


      To use this option, enter a comma-separated list of file types to ignore (i.e., jpg, png, jpeg). Note: a . is not required before the file type.



      Maximum Attachment Size


      Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Groove Email Sync; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


      When Groove logs or syncs an email, it can save attachments depending on this option.


      This numeric field allows you to specify a file size limit (in bytes) for email attachments. If the file size exceeds the limit, the email attachment will not be saved. The email will still be logged in Salesforce.


      1. If the field is left blank, no limit applies. Attachments of any size will be saved.
      2. No attachments will be logged if the field is set to 0.

      3. Here are other examples of a file size limit:

      • 500000 = Allow attachments up to 500 Kilobytes (½ Megabyte)

      • 1000000 = Allow attachments up to 1 Megabyte

      • 5000000 = Allow attachments up to 5 Megabytes


      Make Performance Data Transparent*


      Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Groove Realtime Calendar Sync; Email Sync; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


      Groove includes an Email Performance dashboard that displays the activity performance of individual users. By default, users can view their performance, and managers can view the performance of all their reporters. Groove uses the Salesforce role hierarchy to understand which users report to which user (their manager).


      This option allows you to control whether users can also view the performance data of their peers. This means they get to see the same data as their manager about all users on the same team (therefore, the email performance is "transparent" to all users on the same team).


      Only sync CRM-related Google events.


      Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Groove Realtime Calendar Sync; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


      When Groove logs or syncs calendar events from Google to Salesforce, it tries to find related Leads and Contacts by matching the invitees' email addresses with Salesforce records.


      This option lets you control what happens if no related record is found on an event. 


      If this setting is enabled, Groove will ignore any calendar events without a Salesforce contact included and will not map those events. 


      If this setting is disabled, all of your calendar events (regardless of who is included in the event) will be mapped over to Salesforce.


      Activating this option is helpful to avoid events unrelated to customers being synced from Google to Salesforce. For example, a user's dentist appointment would not be synced since the dentist is not a contact or lead in Salesforce.



      "Related-to" Lookup Logic


      Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Groove Realtime Calendar Sync; Groove Email Sync; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


      When Groove auto-logs or syncs emails and calendar events from Google to Salesforce, it tries to find related Salesforce records. Besides finding the related Lead or Contact, Groove also tries to find the related Opportunity or Case.


      This option allows you to tweak the search logic applied when Groove tries to find related Opportunities or Cases. Put any of the numbers below according to your business processes.


      • 0 = Don't try to find the related Opportunity or Case. Just relate it to the right Lead or Contact

      • 11 = Find the related Opportunity among all my open Opportunities

      • 110 = Find the related Opportunity among all my open Opportunities (Restricted*)

      • 12 = Find the related Opportunity among all my opportunities

      • 120 = Find the related Opportunity among all my opportunities (Restricted*)

      • 13 = Find the related Opportunity among all open Opportunities

      • 130 = Find the related Opportunity among all open Opportunities (Restricted*)

      • 14 = Find the related Opportunity among all Opportunities

      • 140 = Find the related Opportunity among all Opportunities (Restricted*)

      • 21 = Find the related Case among my open Cases

      • 22 = Find the related Case among my Cases

      • 23 = Find the related Case among all open Cases

      • 24 = Find the related Case among all Cases

      • 30 = Custom Object Logging


      Restricted means that Groove will only find opportunities directly associated with a contact via an opportunity contact role. Otherwise, Groove will only extend the search by looking at existing opportunities under the contact's account.



      Reparent Email Attachments


      Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Groove Email Sync; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


      When Groove logs or syncs an email, it also saves email attachments. This option allows you to control whether you want these email attachments (if deactivated) to be saved in the "Files and Attachment" section of the Task record that Groove creates in Salesforce or (if activated) to be saved in the "Files and Attachment" section of the parent Lead/Contact/Opportunity/Case/etc. Records that Groove saved the Task record under (which is why it's called "reparenting").


      Reparenting has the advantage that specific attachments can be much easier spotted instead of traversing through all Task records, e.g., a contact's activity history. Also, Groove won't save already saved attachments (duplicate prevention).


      Respect Sharing Rules when Logging*


      When a Groove user logs events or emails from Google to Salesforce, it tries to find related contacts, leads, opportunities, or cases.


      This option is only relevant if you enable sharing rules and not all users can see all records. It controls whether you want Groove to consider only the Salesforce records the Groove user has access to (Enabled) or any Salesforce records (Disabled). Disabling this option doesn't mean that the user will get access to these records. 


      Search and Select-Object


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      Applies to: Groove for Gmail; Isolated Mode; API Mode;


      Groove for Gmail allows users to log emails and calendar events and "search and select" the related records. By default (meaning, if the field is left blank), Groove searched in these objects for the search query the user entered: Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Opportunities, and Cases.


      This option allows you to customize which standard or custom Salesforce objects Groove should search for the search query. Put a list of comma-separated API names of the respective Salesforce objects. Groove will disregard all Salesforce objects that don't have an activity history.


      Note: The default objects won't be included in search results if you use this field. So you have to add them explicitly if you still want your users to see search results from Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Opportunities, and Cases.


      Use Groove Templates Only


      Groove allows users to access Groove templates and Salesforce templates directly from Gmail.


      This option lets you control whether users can access only Groove templates from Gmail. This helps avoid confusion and ensures all the templates created and updated by users are also accessible in Groove Fl

TitleGroove Profile Settings
URL NameProfile-Settings

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