
Salesforce Hierarchy in Groove

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Salesforce Hierarchy in Groove

The first iteration of the Salesforce Hierarchy in Groove improvement, is brought in the Analytics and Outcomes Pages in Groove. The Hierarchy will determine who can see who’s Analytics and Outcomes in Groove.


With this feature:

  • Leaders and Managers will have the right visibility into the right user’s analytics and outcomes

  • Organizations can stay compliant and ensure that sensitive data is not being shared out to the wrong people

  • We can decrease Administrative overhead required to ensure that everyone in the org has access to the right things within Groove

Is your Organization set up to use this feature?

You can utilize the Salesforce Hierarchy in Groove feature if you have any of the following type of fields on the User Object in Salesforce:

  • ‘Manager’ field

  • ‘Reports to’ field

  • Any custom lookup field with type ‘Hierarchy’

How does it work?


Sync your Salesforce Hierarchy in Groove

Once you are ready to enable the feature reach out to to sync your Hierarchy into Groove. The hierarchy will update every 24 hours if Groove notices a change in Salesforce. If you want to push a manual update before the 24 hour time period, please reach out to your dedicated POC at Groove in order to push it manually.


Hierarchy Filter in Analytics and Outcomes

Once the hierarchy is synced into Groove you will now have a filter appear in your Analytics and Outcomes pages. (This will replace the older Groove Teams filter).

This filter will contain everyone underneath you in your organization Hierarchy (For Team Lead Roles and Standard User Roles in Groove). For instance, if I am a Sales Director I can view all my direct reports and and their direct reports, and so on. However, if you have been assigned either an Admin Role or Analyst Role in Groove you will be automatically considered at the top of the Hierarchy and will have visibility into the entire Org.

Selecting Users in the Hierarchy Filter

  • Clicking on a checkbox next to a name that has other users under them ex. Charles Carpenter (17), will select Charles as well as all the users under him in the hierarchy.

  • In order to select a “head” of a group click the arrow to view the entire group and select just the “head” in order to select them. In this example you can just select “Charles Carpenter”. Similarly you can exclude the “head” of the group from your selection by clicking into the arrow to view the entire group and un-checking the “head”. In this example you can un-check “Charles Carpenter”.



  • Each User will also have their "Role" from Salesforce (sometimes set up in Roles Hierarchy in Salesforce) displayed to provide you with context on that user. If your org does not fill out the Role in Salesforce, it will appear blank under each user's name.

  • You will notice that some users have a red indicator text saying “Not a Groove User”. This means they are a user in your Salesforce Org but do not have a Groove License.

TitleSalesforce Hierarchy in Groove
URL NameSalesforce-Hierarchy-in-Groove

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