
Groove Scheduler Microsoft Teams Integration

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Groove Scheduler Microsoft Teams Integration

Increase efficiency and productivity by connecting Groove Scheduler and Microsoft Teams to automatically generate a unique Teams meeting link every time a meeting is booked using the Groove Scheduler.


  • Save time by eliminating the need to manually add a meeting link after a meeting is booked.

  • Confidently close out every meeting knowing that a unique Microsoft Teams link is attached automatically to each meeting - eliminating the fear of meeting overlap or surprise visitors.

  • Seamlessly navigate from one meeting to the next without needing to add any additional information to the meeting invitation.

  • Deliver a highly customizable and branded experience with every meeting booked, even if a meeting is scheduled using Round Robin.


How it works

Meeting Type editing in Scheduler Settings and Scheduler Group settings will have a new section named: Video Conferencing.


  • Within that section, users will see a button for Microsoft Teams

  • Once that button is selected (blue outline), and the meeting type is saved, that Meeting Type will start generating Microsoft Teams links when booked.

  • The location is automatically populated with the meeting link, but if the user would like to add in an additional location, they will be able to do that. The Microsoft Teams link will still be accessible in the meeting details.

  • Note: You will need to follow these instructions for each meeting type you would like to apply this video conferencing for.


TitleGroove Scheduler Microsoft Teams Integration
URL NameScheduler-Microsoft-Teams-Integration

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