
Suggested Records - Decide which Opp to log to in Outlook

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4/5/2024, 7:42 PM
4/5/2024, 7:42 PM

Suggested Records - Decide which Opp to log to in Outlook


When logging either an email or an event to Salesforce, Groove automatically attaches the email to the most relevant SFDC record(s). This means that the email or event will get logged against the correct Lead, Contact(s), Account and Opportunity:




In some cases, the Contact may be related to multiple opportunities. In that scenario, you may want to log that activity to an Opportunity that wasn't selected by default. That's where Suggested Records come into play. With Suggested Records you can specify the Contact-Opportunity pair that you want to log to:

1. From Email Tools, go to Suggested Records: 


2. Then you'll see a list of records to choose from and can select the record you want to pair with.


The above feature applies to:

  • Logging outbound emails

  • Logging existing emails in your Inbox or Sent folder

  • Logging your meetings

  • Logging meetings you were invited to


Note: If you would like to log your activities to custom Salesforce objects or specific records that are not displayed in the Suggested Records list, click the magnifying glass to Search and Select the record of your choice.




Logging your Emails to multiple opportunities

Note: the following feature applies only to emails, and is enabled for customers upon request. If you'd like to log activities to multiple opportunities, please ask your admin/SFDC admin to contact your CSM, as it creates duplicate activities.


In some cases, you might be working multiple opportunities at the same time with the same contact, or working an individual opportunity with multiple people on the thread. In this scenario, Groove can enable a feature which allows you to choose multiple Contact-Opportunity pairs from the Suggested Records list. This creates one Salesforce activity per pair, because a Salesforce activity can be related to only one opportunity at a time. In the example below, the email will create three activities:




Suggested Records - Decide which Opp to log to in Outlook

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