
Groove User Management (Users Page)

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Groove User Management (Users Page)


In your Users table within Groove's Manage My Org settings, you can ensure your Groove users are all set up for success. Here, you can update your team's licenses, teams, roles, and other settings.


License Management

After your trial period ends, you must explicitly assign Groove licenses to the users who want to use Groove.


You can assign Core licenses to users in Salesforce, but we recommend assigning licenses directly from Groove. Assigning licenses during the trial period means that everything will work seamlessly when the trial period ends.


It is also much easier to assign the correct licenses to your users, whether a Core, Flow, Dialer, or SMS license.

Note: You must be a Salesforce admin to assign licenses unless non-SFDC admins are given the Salesforce permission set called "Manage Package Licenses" and the Groove Role of "Admin."


Assigning Licenses to new Groove Users


  1. Go to this page and select 'Users'. (Note: if you can't access this page, you don't have Salesforce system admin privileges, which are required to manage licenses)

  2. If you are adding new users who still need to set up their Groove accounts, click 'Import SFDC Users' and search for those users by name or email. This will show you a list of all users in your Salesforce organization. You can select one or multiple users to add to Groove.


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    3. Click Next, then decide which licenses to assign to the users you add to Groove. Suppose you'd like to send them a "Getting Started with Groove" setup email; check the box at the bottom of the screen. Click Finish to assign the licenses so your team can get started on Groove!


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    • Core License: required to use Groove.

    • Flow Unlimited License: users can executes Flow actions.

    • Dialer License: users can use the Dialer feature to make/ log outbound calls and receive inbound calls.

    • SMS License: users can send SMS via the Dialer.


    Assigning/Modifying Licenses for existing Groove Users


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    1. Select one or multiple users to manage their license

    2. Click the "Actions" button and click "Manage License."

    3. Assign or Un-assign licenses to individual users. Or select them all to assign or un-assign in bulk! **Click the Actions button to the bottom right to assign or un-assign the license. 



      1. In Salesforce,e go to Setup and find the item Installed Packages

      2. Find the row that says Groove and click Manage Licenses

      3. On the Package Details page,e click  Add Users to pick and add licenses

      4. Alternatively, you can also un-assign licenses by clicking the button Remove in the respective row


      Note: In some cases, a user that was made inactive still has a license assigned to them, and you can't un-assign the license since the inactive user is not displayed on this page. To un-assign the license, refer to the instructions above.

      Logging in as a User


      Groove allows admins to log in as users to audit templates and check the progress of flows they are using. Admins can log in as users by clicking on their profile picture (from anywhere in Groove) and selecting Login as a user. Simply search for a user's name, email address, or Salesforce ID to log in as your chosen user.


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      To log back into your account, simply click the profile picture in the top right corner again and select Log back in as myself



      Viewing and Updating User Settings


      Viewing relevant information on your users' accounts


      You can customize the display on your Users page by selecting or deselecting the columns as shown below:


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      • License columns: Yes/No, based on whether the user has that license

      • Email Throttling: The maximum amount of Flow emails a user can send daily.

      • Teams: Which Groove team are the users on,comma-separated

      • Role: The Groove role of each user (standard, analyst, team lead, admin)

      • Flow Enabled: Yes/No, based on whether the user can use Groove flows

      • Email/Calendar Sync: Yes/No, based on whether the user has those settings enabled

      • Call Recording: The user's call recording setting (Optional, Enforced, or Disabled) - Dialer Customers only

      • Status: The user's current status is based on the following descriptions:


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    Updating User Settings


    You can update User settings by selecting users and clicking Actions on the top right.


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    • Update Teams: Update which Groove teams a user is on

    • Update Role: Users can be Standard Users, Analysts, Team Leads, and admins.

    • Assign Licenses: Assign/remove user licenses

    • Update Flow Settings: Disable or re-enable the use of Groove Flows

    • Set Email Throttle Max: Set a maximum amount of Flow emails the user can send out daily.

    • Update Call Recording Settings: *For Dialer customers only

    1. Optional: The user can choose which phone calls to record

    2. Enforced: All calls made into states or regions without two-party consent will be recorded

    3. Disabled: No calls made by the user will be recorded

    • Deprovision Dialer Numbers: Remove a user's Groove phone number (mainly used if the rep wants to switch to a phone number in a different territory). *For Dialer customers only

    • Update Email/Calendar Sync: Enable or disable email/calendar sync for users

    • Check Connection Status: Check if the selected users are currently connected to Salesforce and their Google/Microsoft account

    • Export Selected Users as CSV: Export user settings and license information

TitleGroove User Management (Users Page)
URL NameUser-Management-Users-Page

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