
Flow Step Types

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Flow Step Types


In this day and age, it may take a variety of communication efforts to get your prospects' attention and to stand out from the pack. 


Whether you're writing emails, sending LinkedIn InMail, or maybe even gift cards, your Groove flows are a space where you can house this communication.


Within your Flows, you can create all of the steps below, to structure how and when you're reaching out to people:



When you complete any of these flow steps, Groove also logs the activity to Salesforce for you, following your team's Related-To Logging settings, so that all of your activities are logged not only to the people (Contacts/Leads) you're reaching out to, but also the Opportunities or custom objects your team is using.


Note: All Omniactions are also logged to Salesforce following your team's Related-To Logging settings.


Send an Email

Use your email templates to set up manual email steps. We recommend using merge fields from Salesforce, or even custom merge fields from a CSV file. Keep in mind that your templates should be considered the starting point when you’re sending out emails. To get the best results, try personalizing the emails and subject lines to get the prospect’s attention. Use their SFDC details, activity history, notes, or LinkedIn Sales Navigator profile as extra ammunition you can use to get your prospects’ attention.



Auto-Send an Email

Have emails sent to your prospects automatically, at the time of your choosing when they reach a certain day in your Flow. Merge fields from Salesforce are a great way to include a few tidbits of personalization for each of these emails. Auto-email steps are commonly used for following up on manual first touches which you have already personalized and sent to your prospects. When you are automatically sending out an email, you can choose what time you want that email to be sent out. Based on the time that you choose, the email will be sent out at that time in the prospect's timezone.


Note: People who move to an automated email step are automatically placed in your Outbox, scheduled to be sent emails at the date and time that they're due according to the Day of the step, and the Time you've selected that the emails should go out on that step. You can cancel them from your Outbox as described here.



Auto-send emails "Immediately"

  1. If it is the very first step in the flow, you can choose your send time to be "immediately" sent




  • This means that the emails will be sent out immediately when a contact or lead is imported to the flow

  • Great for Inbound Lead flows where the leads are automatically imported when they are created in Salesforce. Learn more about auto-import.


2. If it is any step in a Multi-Step Day, which means that you have multiple steps on the same day, you can set your auto-send email to be "immediately" sent




  • In this scenario, your email will be immediately sent right after the completion of your previous step in that day

  • For example, if you have a multi-step day where the first step in the day is a phone call, and your second step is an auto-send immediately email, the email for each person would be immediately sent after you complete the call. That way, you can work through all the prospects in your first call step while Groove takes care of all of the follow-up emails once you complete a call or leave a voicemail.


Additional Notes for Multi-Step Days

  • The auto-send immediately step will send only after the completion of the previous step in the same day. If you have 3 steps in one day, and your auto-send step is the 3rd one, it will only send after the completion of the 2nd one.

  • If you "Skip" the previous step, the email will not send automatically. You can click into the step to execute that action.

  • In the Outbox for that step, you'll notice that the Scheduled Send Date is "Immediately after completing previous step"




Make a Call (Groove Dialer Not Required)

  • Dialer customers - you can call your prospects, log the calls to Salesforce, and move to the next right within your Flow workstep. 

Pro Tip: use a Call Template as a script of the highlights that you want to make sure you point out during the call

  • Customers not using Dialer - you can set up a call step to make sure you’re calling your prospects at the right times through whichever phone system you’re using, then log your call and move on to the next in your Flow workstep.

  • Dialer and Non-Dialer customers - when logging calls in a Flow step, you also have More options:



    **New** Log and Skip All Call Steps: Now users can log call results and notes for that prospect without it being necessary to call them again. Contacts will still move through the remaining flow steps. Common use cases for this feature:


    • Sometimes reps call a number and find out it's either an invalid number or the contact doesn't want them calling again. This feature then allows them to log the call and skip all future call steps.

    • Reps sometimes are not able to locate a prospect's direct phone number. So they try calling a company number to check their directory for a prospect's direct extension. That is why it very useful to log that info so they know this going forward but also saving time by not calling again.


    Take Another Action

    Any custom action you’d like to take for your contacts and leads in a Flow. For example, you may want to find the best phone number for a group of people, or verify that the people who registered for your event showed up.



    Send Direct Mail

    If you send your prospects mail, marketing material, gift cards, or anything else, direct mail steps are a great way to organize this communication method.




    Have an In-Person Visit

    When you go onsite to visit prospects or clients, you may be accustomed to retroactively finding that person in Salesforce and logging the activity. With an in-person visit Flow step, you can simply import those people to your Flow before the meetings, then log the interaction with the click of a button.



    Connect via LinkedIn Sales Navigator

    If you have LinkedIn Sales Navigator (Team or Enterprise Edition), you can send Connection Requests directly from your Flow workstep. Be sure to include a personalized note so that your prospect is more likely to accept your invitation!



    Send InMail via LinkedIn Sales Navigator

    If you have LinkedIn Sales Navigator (Team or Enterprise Edition), you can send InMail directly from your Flow workstep. Of course, each InMail is a valuable touch, so make sure you personalize each message you send!



    Send Sendoso Gift

    With Sendoso and Groove, you can engage prospects and customers by adding personalized gifts, e-gift cards, direct mail as a step within your Groove Flows.


    In order to send gifts through Sendoso, you must already have a Sendoso account.


    Adding a Sendoso Step in your Flow

    To integrate a Sendoso step into a Flow, select send Sendoso gift from the dropdown and click Save.



    You can also select a centrally managed template and customize it to add a personalized note along with your gift.


    Sending a Sendoso Gift

    To send a Sendoso gift, first make sure that you're logged in to Sendoso by clicking here. When Groove executes the Sendoso step, it will bring you to the Sendoso portal within Groove to select your gift and send. Search and select what you would like to send and select the method through which you would like to send it.



    Input the details needed to send the gift and click Send to complete the process. Then simply click Done to complete the action within Groove.


    Send an SMS Message (Groove Dialer and SMS Licenses Required)

    In order to send SMS from Groove Flows, you’ll need both Groove Dialer and SMS licenses.


    SMS steps in Flows allow you to send personalized text messages to a list of your prospects very quickly. All responses to your messages will be in your Groove Dialer as well as in your email, the same way they show up when someone responds to an SMS sent directly from your Dialer.


    Pro Tip: SMS templates also do allow merge fields, so you can include things like {!Firstname} or {!Company} within those templates to personalize the messages before you send them out.




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