
Install and Set Up Groove for Outlook

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Install and Set Up Groove for Outlook


Groove's integration with Microsoft Outlook allows you track when your prospects open your emails, log your activity to Salesforce automatically, and view/edit Salesforce records directly from your inbox, among other helpful tools.



*Note: If your team is transitioning from using G-Suite to Microsoft 365, please reach out to your CSM before setting up Groove in Outlook, so that our team can help with migrating your Groove accounts.


Requirements for using Groove in Microsoft Outlook

  • Your Salesforce admin must first install Groove's Managed Package

  • You must have a Microsoft 365 account, a Salesforce account, and (at least) a Groove Core License

Supported Microsoft Outlook Versions

  • Microsoft Office 365

Supported Microsoft Outlook Clients

  1. Windows Users:

  • Outlook desktop application (Outlook 2013 and above)

  • Outlook web client on Google Chrome

  • Outlook web client on Microsoft Edge

2. Mac Users:

  • Outlook desktop application

  • Outlook web client on Google Chrome

  • Outlook web client on Microsoft Edge


Installing the Groove add-in

You can install Groove for Outlook from within the web client or the desktop client. Once it is installed from either client, it is not necessary to install it on the other, it will automatically show up in both! Additionally, we recommend using Google Chrome as the Groove web-application is optimized for Google Chrome.


Installing via Outlook Desktop:

  1. Sign into your Outlook account
  2. Click Get Add-ins
  3. Search for Groove and click 'Add'


Installing via Outlook Web

  1. Sign into your Outlook account here

  2. Open an email thread

  3. Click the 3 dots, scroll to the bottom, click Get Add-ins

  4. Search for Groove, and Click 'Add'



Setting up your Groove account

  1. In any email thread, click the 3 dots on the right side. At the bottom, click Groove Add-in

    In Browser:



In Desktop App:



2. You should now see Groove open on the right hand side of your screen. Click Get Started, and sign in with your work email address


3. Next, click Sign into Salesforce to connect your Salesforce account to Groove


4. Recommended: Enable Email Open tracking, and Link Click tracking

  • With Email Open tracking, you'll get notified every time someone opens one of your emails

  • With Link Click, tracking, you'll get notified every time someone clicks on a link in your emails

*Email Tracking is described in more detail in the next guides for users getting started


5. Recommended: Auto-log all emails. With this enabled, Groove will automatically log all inbound and outbound emails to Salesforce, and relate them appropriately to the correct lead, contact, account, and/or opportunity. This also includes any emails you are sending from other devices such as your mobile phone!


6. Recommended: Auto-log all calendar events (in Beta). With this enabled, Groove will automatically log all your meetings related to Salesforce contacts/leads for you, and relate them appropriately to the correct lead, contact, account, and/or opportunity.


7. Always remember to Send with Groove
Your Groove add-in is now set up and connected properly to Salesforce; read the next article in the Getting Started (below) series to get the most out of your Groove. Don't forget - if you're on Windows, you can open and use the add-in on both Outlook web, and the Outlook desktop application. If you prefer to use that, feel free to jump there now while you check out the rest of the user guides.


Installing the Groove Chrome Extension

The Groove Chrome extension allows you to use many key features outside of your inbox, for when you are working in Salesforce and in Groove's web application as well.


  1. Click here to install

  2. After installing, you'll be redirected to a page to connect Groove to your Microsoft 365 account. Click Sign in with Microsoft

  3. The next step is to connect your Salesforce account to your Groove extension. Click Sign in with Salesforce

  4. You'll be redirected to Salesforce, where you can start using Groove to execute Actions from Salesforce, add contacts/leads to Flows, and more.

Signatures in Groove

It's possible that your organization may have Outlook signatures set up at the server level, meaning that your signature will be appended to any email sent from any platform (Outlook on your computer, your phone, even Groove!).

In contrast to the server level, signatures may be set up at the client level, which means you will have to configure your signature in each method of email sending before they populate for that respective method. You will have to add your signature in your Groove settings for them to populate in flow emails.

Signatures can be added in your flow option settings here, under Email Signature Preview:



Filling out your signature in the Groove signature settings will apply to flow emails only!

If you're not if this applies to you, please reach out to your admin to see how signatures are set at your organization!

TitleInstall and Set Up Groove for Outlook
URL NameInstall-and-Set-Up-Groove-for-Outlook

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