
Sharing Groove Flows With Teammates

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Sharing Grove Flows With Teammates


Sharing Flows


  1.  Click the "Flows" tab on the left and select the Flow you want to share. 


    Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 1.50.44 PM.png


      2. Click the "Share" button in the top right corner. 


    Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 1.51.26 PM.png


      3. From this menu, you can choose teammates, Groove teams, or your entire organization and add them to the list of people with access to this Flow. Also, you can decide who has to add/edit access to this Flow.


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    Note: Any edits to a shared flow will be visible to everyone who can access this Flow. If you'd like your teammates to be able to use the info in your Flow but not edit the original, do not give them add/edit access. They can still make a copy of the Flow to customize it as they'd like:



    Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 1.52.26 PM.png



    Accessing Shared Flows



    After you've shared a Flow with someone, you can copy the URL of that Flow and share it with them via chat/email.


    Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 1.52.59 PM.png


    Via Groove


    The people you share the Flows with will also be able to find all shared Flows when they click "Shared" in the "Flows" tab.


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    Master Flows


    As an Admin or Team Lead, you also have the option to create a Master Flow in the Advanced Sharing Settings.


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    This allows you to create one Flow that multiple people will use. This means if you update the messaging or steps, it will be updated for everyone instantly. These were designed so that you could standardize certain types of Flows.

TitleSharing Groove Flows With Teammates
URL NameSharing-Flows-With-Teammates

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